Details : The aim is to design and to develop an air brake system based on exhaust gas is called “fabrication of air brake system using engine exhaust gas”. The main aim of this project is to reduce the workloads of the engine drive to operate the air compressor, because here the compressor is not operated by the engine drive. Here we are placing a turbine in the path of exhaust from the engine. The turbine is connected to a dynamo by means of coupling, which is used to generate power. Depending upon the airflow the turbine will start rotating, and then the dynamo will also starts to rotate. A dynamo is a device which is used to convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy. The generated power can be stored in the battery and then this electric power has loaded to the D.C compressor. The air compressor compresses the atmospheric air and it stored in the air tank and the air tank has pressure relief valve to control the pressure in the tank. The air tank supplies the compressed pneumatic
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The main aim of our project is to develop a “Automatic tyre inflation and deflation system” .This can be placed in all automobiles while long drives and that can be utilized while climbing uphill or down hills. It is very necessary for the every automobile to be cautious while driving through long distances. So we have fabricated this machine to fill the air automatically by using control units. In this project main function is suddenly the air is decreased to the automobile vehicles the sensor signal alerted to the person when the use of air tank to fill the air in the tyre. Then the air pressure is increased to the tyre in the vehicle i t is same as the process of indicating the sensor signal through the person when the use of solenoid valve to reduce the excess air in the tyre.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The main objective of this concept is used to apply the gear by using automation system in automobiles. This is the new innovative model mainly used for the vehicles to control the vehicle. In this project we design the automatic gear changing mechanism in two wheeler vehicles by using the electromagnet devices. This is very useful for the gear changing mechanism in automobile vehicles. By using this we can easily control the vehicle and improve the performance of the vehicle also we can avoid the wear and tear of the gear
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : As the world is hard pressed with the energy and fuel crises, compounded by pollution of all kinds, any technologies that bring out the solutions to this problem is considered as a bounty. In one of such new technologies, is the development of a new engine called as compressed air engine which does not require any of the known fuels like diesel, petrol, CNG, LPG, hydrogen etc. this works using only compressed air.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The aim is to design and develop a control system based intelligent electronically controlled automotive bumper activation and automatic braking system is called AUTOMATIC PNEUMATIC BUMPER AND BREAK ACTUATION BEFORE COLLISION. This project consists of IR transmitter and Receiver circuit, Control Unit, Pneumatic bumper system and pneumatic braking system.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : We have seen how severe is bus disasters on fire, accident etc, to avoid causalities and human lives here we are proposing power window mechanism. On sensing any danger in the form of fire and smoke the window automatically will slide down making way for passenger way out from the vehicle. This cool device is the heart of a power-window system. The window lift on most cars uses a really neat linkage to lift the window glass while keeping it level. A small electric motor is attached to a worm gear and several other spur gears to create a large gear reduction, giving it enough torque to lift the window.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : A four wheeler usually find difficulty to drive especially at sharp turn .The model helps them to change the focus of headlight as the steering move on either direction. Adaptive headlights react to the steering system of the car and automatically adjust to illuminate the road wheel. When the car turns right, the headlight angles to the right. Turn the car left ,the headlights angles to the left. Instead of moving the headlights, reflectors are fitted on the inside on either side of the headlamp casing. These reflectors are moved to direct a beam in the same direction as the movement of the vehicle .The power required to move the reflectors is transmitted using hydraulic linkages.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The concern over the environment with respect to pollution, conservation of fuel resources in the world, the automotive industry has entered into a new dimension in production of more fuel efficient, low emission vehicles and new technologies. One of the greatest innovations is Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). The hybrid electric vehicle consists of two or more energy sources for total propulsion of the vehicle. In this paper, two independent propulsions, ICE and electric motor are independently operated for combined effort derivation in total propulsion of the vehicle. The Combined effort of ICE and Electric motor in propelling the vehicle more suitable for country like India is being analyzed in this paper. The ICE will be active in initial pickup and electric motor acts as supportive propulsion deriver. The test area chosen is Mysore City, India in deriving the driving cycle.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : As the basic law of Physics says ‘energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be converted from one form to another’. During huge amount of energy is lost to atmosphere as heat. It will be good if we could store this energy somehow which is otherwise getting wasted out and reuse it next time we started to accelerate. Regenerative braking refers to a system in which the kinetic energy of the vehicle is stored temporarily, as an accumulative energy, during deceleration, and is reused as kinetic energy during acceleration or running. Regenerative braking is a small, yet very important, step toward our eventual independence from fossil fuels. These kinds of brakes allow batteries to be used for longer periods of time without the need to be plugged into an external charger. These types of brakes also extend the driving range of fully el
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Regenerative brake is an energy recovery mechanism which slows a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into another form, which can be either used immediately or stored until needed. Thus, the generated electricity during the braking is fed back into the supply system
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : In this project work, two wheeled and one small supporting wheel self balancing as well as manually balancing Mechanical Segway vehicle is prepared which is also known as a personal transporter Segway. The system is able to operate in transporter mode and robotic mode. The first goal is to maintain stabilization in pitch dynamic. This project focuses on to manufactured Segway without using any type programming & Sensors a state feedback to stabilize system on transporter mode. The system consist of forward and backward movement when the driver operating DPDT switch in transporter mode in order to stabilize body. Small wheel is used so that there is no need of gyroscope for balancing purpose. The aim of this project work is to build up at a very low cost, highly efficient rate and easy to handle and operating also. The tests are performed on mechanical Segway to confirm that Mechanical Segway operating very well and high efficient rate.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Due to scarcity of fossil fuel in future and its detrimental effect on the environment, an alternative energy has to be discovered. Wind power is clean and sustainable natural resources that has yet to be fully utilized in the automotive industry. Also the sun is probably the most important source of renewable energy available today. The hybrid system has been designed and installed to generate power which combines wind turbine and solar panel. The hybrid model system is renewable energy system, which helps conserve energy by reducing the use of fuel in vehicle. Hence developing a new method for the economical evaluation of Hybrid Systems for electricity production. Keywords- Scarcity, fossil fuel, environment, alternative energy, natural resources, renewable energy.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : An automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is a mobile robot that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision, magnets, or lasers for navigation. They are most often used in industrial applications to move materials around a manufacturing facility or warehouse.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Improved bullock carts will be durable (more than 25 years), which will provide better economy to the farmers or poor people for whom the bullock carts are meant for livelihood. Mechanism used in the project is as follows 1)Tilting The base of the bullock cart is rotated with the help of bevel gears and axle drive mechanism operated by the handle and lever. 2) Lifting The base of the bullock cart is lifted with the help of universal joint which is connected to lead screw which is operated by rotating the handling.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The number of patients in India is increasing day by day. So in hospitals patients need to be shifted from wheelchair to stretcher, stretcher to beds, bed to wheelchair, or vice versa; which creates unsafe conditions for patients. Also transferring the patients from wheelchair to stretcher, stretcher to beds, bed to wheelchair is always an issue for the attendant or nurse. We will be using mild steel frames, dc motors, shafts and wheels .
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The aim is to design and develop a control system based on intelligent electronically controlled automotive braking system is called “INTELLIGENT REVERSE BRAKING SYSTEM”. Sensor Operated Pneumatic Brake consists of IR transmitter and Receiver circuit, Control Unit, Pneumatic breaking system. The IR sensor is used to detect the obstacle. There is any obstacle in the path, the IR sensor senses the obstacle and giving the control signal to the breaking system. The pneumatic breaking system is used to brake the system. So basically here the car brakes on its own by determining the distance from the object. The IR TRANSMITTER circuit is to transmit the Infra-Red rays. If any obstacle is there in a path, the Infra-Red rays reflected. This reflected InfraRed rays are received by the receiver circuit is called “IR RECEIVER”. The IR receiver circuit receives the reflected IR rays and giving the control signal to the control circuit. The control circuit is used to activate the soleno
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : This project aims at automatically controlling the speed of vehicles at speed restricted areas such as schools, hospital zones, traffic signals etc. Nowadays the drivers drive vehicles at high speed even in speed limited areas without considering the safety of the public. The traffic police are not able to control them with full effect. Also it is not practical to monitor these areas throughout. This paper paves way for controlling the speed of the vehicles within certain limit in restricted zones without interruption of the drivers. An RFID is used for this purpose. The RFID reader is attached along with the vehicle and the RFID Tag with these Zones. These tags are programmed to send a coded signal when the reader comes in proximity. Whenever the vehicles enter into these zones their receivers will receive this code and the speed of the vehicles is controlled automatically with the help of the micro controller unit present inside the vehicle. The tags are placed at the beginning and t
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The concept of this work is to design and develop the automatic jack system using an android app. An automotive jack is a device used to raise all or part of a vehicle into the air in order to facilitate repairs. With the manually operated car jack most people are familiar with, that is still included as standard equipment with most new cars. Changing flat tire is not a very pleasant experience. Operating the manual car jack is quite difficult job. This purpose is to mainly encounter this problem. This paper presents the development of the car jack which is controlled by android app. A vehicle frame, also known as its chassis, is the supporting structure of a motor vehicle to which all the components are attached, comparable to the skeleton of an organism. Where the jack is placed in the middle of the chassis, to which the movement of the jack is control through the app. A car jack works on the 12V power supply which is obtained from the car battery itself. Operator only needs to press
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a quad, quad bike, three-wheeler, or fourwheeler, is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a vehicle that travels on low-pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control. As the name implies, it is designed to handle a wider variety of terrain than most other vehicles..By the current ANSI definition, ATVs are intended for use by a single operator, although Some companies have developed ATVs intended for use by the operator and one passenger. These ATVs are referred to as tandem ATVs. The rider sits on and operates these vehicles like a motorcycle, but the extra wheels give more stability at slower speeds. Although equipped with three (or typically, four)wheels, sixwheel models exist for specialized applications
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The main aim of our project is to develop a “automatic tyre inflation and deflation system” .this can be placed in all automobiles while long drives and that can be utilized while climbing uphill or down hills. it is very necessary for the every automobile to be cautious while driving through long distances. so we have fabricated this machine to fill the air automatically by using control units. in this project main function is suddenly the air is decreased to the automobile vehicles the sensor signal alerted to the person when the use of air tank to fill the air in the tyre. then the air pressure is increased to the tyre in the vehicle it is same as the process of indicating the sensor signal through the person when the use of solenoid valve to reduce the excess air in the tyre.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The aim is to design and develop a control system based intelligent electronically controlled automotive bumper activation and automatic braking system is called AUTOMATIC PNEUMATIC BUMPER AND BREAK ACTUATION BEFORE COLLISION. This project consists of IR transmitter and Receiver circuit, Control Unit, Pneumatic bumper system and pneumatic braking system.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : An automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is a mobile robot that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision, magnets, or lasers for navigation. They are most often used in industrial applications to move materials around a manufacturing facility or warehouse.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Automatic Railway Gate Control System is a simple but very useful project, which help is automatically opening and closing the railway gate upon detecting arrival or departure of the train. In general, Railway gates are opened or closed manually by a gate keeper. The information about arrival of train for opening or closing of door is received from nearby station. But some railway crossings are totally unmanned and many railway accidents occur at these unmanned level crossings. To avoid the human intervention at level crossings completely, we need to automate the process of railway gate control. We have two different Automatic Railway Gate Control circuits mentioned in this article: using 8051 and AVR. NOTE-2021 Latest Best Mechanical Project ideas and technical guidelines can be provided.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The concern over the environment with respect to pollution, conservation of fuel resources in the world, the automotive industry has entered into a new dimension in production of more fuel efficient, low emission vehicles and new technologies. One of the greatest innovations is Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). The hybrid electric vehicle consists of two or more energy sources for total propulsion of the vehicle. In this paper, two independent propulsions, ICE and electric motor are independently operated for combined effort derivation in total propulsion of the vehicle. The Combined effort of ICE and Electric motor in propelling the vehicle more suitable for country like India is being analyzed in this paper. The ICE will be active in initial pickup and electric motor acts as supportive propulsion deriver. The test area chosen is Mysore City, India in deriving the driving cycle. NOTE-2021 Latest Best Mechanical Project ideas and technical guidelines can be provided.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF SELF BALACING BICYCLE Self-balancing is the most advanced technology. This can by design by robot. Self-balancing bicycle by robot which promotes that a robot should be able to have locomotion using the balancing capabilities just as the humans also possess. Main aim of this project is to design a self-balancing bicycle by robot which balances itself with the help of a gyroscope. The Self Balancing Robot Project consists of an ARDUINO microcontroller-controlled system which with the help of its sensors mounted on the robot is able to balance the robot in upright posture. If the robot is given a jerk in forward direction to tilt it in forward direction then it will oppose that force and try to be in the balanced position as it was. NOTE-2021 Latest Best Mechanical Final year Project ideas and technical information can be provided.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Self-balancing two wheeler using gyroscope finds its application in the field of road safety. The need for a system to balance a two wheeler irrespective of its motion is on the high. Gyroscopes find its application in other stabilizing systems such as stabilizers in ship and in flight control of aircrafts. We have incorporated the same principle to a two wheeler. This is the simple technology. Main aim of this project is to design a self-balancing bicycle by robot which balances itself with the help of a gyroscope. By this method robot which balances itself so that it prevents itself from falling. A weight based fly wheel rotates at higher speed at centre of wheel inside the hub creating gyroscopic effect helping rider to balance and not to fall. Simple method can help a learner child to learn a bicycle without a person’s helps.
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