Details : Riveting machines are used to automatically set (squeeze) rivets in order to join materials together. The riveting machine offers greater consistency, productivity, and lower cost when compared to manual riveting. Automatic feed riveting machines include a hopper and feed track which automatically delivers and presents the rivet to the setting tools which overcomes the need for the operator to position the rivet. The downward force required to deform the rivet with an automatic riveting machine is created by a motor and flywheel combination, pneumatic cylinder, or hydraulic cylinder. Manual feed riveting machines usually have a mechanical lever to deliver the setting force from a foot pedal or hand lever. Riveting machines can be sub-divided into two broad groups — impact riveting machines and orbital (or radial) riveting machines.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : With modern developments of smart portable devices and miniaturization of technologies, society has been provided with computerized assistance for almost every daily activity but the physical aspects have been frequently neglected. It is currently possible to make robots that process information thru neural networks, that identify and mimic facial expressions and that replace manual labour in assembly plants, getting ever closer to skills associated to human beings. In spite of these technological advances being kept close to they remain separate of humans, replacing or providing assistance with other peripheral tasks, not generally adopting a direct physical symbiotic user assistance path. In this dissertation a robotic exoskeleton hand will be described that allows for human-machine bidirectional interaction making it possible to provide physical activities with the electromechanical assistance similarly. This system is designed to mimic the human hands functionalities and biomechani
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : In small-scale industries and automobile maintenance shops, there are frequent needs of tightening and loosening of screws, drilling, boring, grinding machine. Huge and complicated designed parts cannot be machined with the help of an ordinary machine and further for every operation separate machine is required therefore increasing the number of machines required and increasing the area required for them to be accommodated and hence overall initial cost required is increased. In a single machine all the above specified operation can be carried out, i.e., after drilling, the drill head is removed from the barrel key and the required tools like grinding wheels, boring tool etc., can be attached, and the operation can be performed. By the application of pneumatics, the pneumatic cylinder with piston which is operated by an air compressor will give the successive action to operate this machine. By this we can achieve our industrial
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Abstract: The main aim to make such a mechanical oriented project is to reduce the scrap volume and use it for recycle purpose properly. Now a days there is widely usage of cans have been done in hotels and canteen and for their storage large volume of space is required. This research paper include design and structure analysis of can crusher. There are so many researchers who have done work on design and analysis, but still there are so many areas of scope regarding this design and analysis. Microcontroller makes up the backbone for this project. This project involves processes like design, fabrication and assembling procedures. Even though there are many types of the can crusher machine in the market, the completion of the new model provides a more practical usage than previous one. Keywords: Design Consideration, Calculation, sensor, Size Reduction, Microcontroller, Cans.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : It is seen that all the exhaust gasses generated are getting released to atmosphere. Here is an effort made to utilize the exhaust gasses to increase engines efficiency. Presently Air brakes in present vehicles are run using compressor which is run from direct engine. Here to increase engines efficiency compressor is detached from the engine and made to run from different system, which is powered from exhaust gas. Using exhaust gasses sets of turbines are run, turbine is mounted on generators shaft which rotates the armature which produces electricity, Generated energy is used to run the compressor, which is used for braking systems (Air braking system) The aim is to design and develop a brake system based on exhaust gas is called “AIR BRAKE SYSTEM USING ENGINE EXHAUST GAS”. The main aim of this project is to reduce the work loads of the engine drive to operate the air compressor. In this project, we used exhaust gas from the engine to rotate the generator turbine. Then the power
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The foremost aim of our project is to design and fabricate a pneumatic operated fork lift for the purpose of material handling at a faster rate. At present forklifts, pallet trucks are used for the purpose of material handling. For forklift it requires a well-experienced technical person for handling operation. For pallet trucks, it does not have large cross-section, as the material to be handles is in small unit. For both the equipment the initial cost is high. This project work titled “FABRICATION OF 3 AXIS PNEUMATIC TRAILER LIFT” has been conceived having studied the difficulty in lifting and loading the any type of materials. Our survey in the regard in several small scale industries, revealed the facts that mostly some difficult methods were adopted in lifting the material. Now the project has mainly concentrated on this difficulty, and hence a suitable device has been designed. Such that the material can be lifted from the floor land without application of any impact force. T
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : To operate this rammer an air compressor is needed. A butt which is attached to the bottom of the piston rod does the operation of ramming. The pressure developed inside the cylinder reciprocates the piston and hence the butt. This rammer is handled by an operator just by moving it over the molding sand. The butt rams the sand at places moved and the sand is uniformly rammed. This rammer reduces the ramming time and labour. Due to this the cost is reduced considerably. So this machine finds application in foundries The compressed air goes to the flow control valve. The flow control valve is used to control the flow of air. It is adjustable one. We have to adjust the lever, so that the required pressurized air goes to the Solenoid Valve. Here solenoid valve is used as a direction control valve. This solenoid valve is controlled by the electronic control timing unit. The ramming time is varied by adjusting the timing (timer 555 IC) control of the electronic unit.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : This paper discusses the importance of a pendulum pump which can be used as a supplementary device for pumping water and is made to replace hand pumps. One important feature of a pump with a pendulum is that the work is alleviated or in simple terms it makes work rather easier when is compared with a traditional hand water pump. It is due to this underlined feature which enables the pendulum pump to be used as an efficient mode in the irrigation of smaller lots, water-wells and can also be used in extinguishing fires even by old people and children. By the use of pendulum based water pumping system we can increase the efficiency of the plant and reduce the effort, cost of production, production time, manpower requirement.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Cranes are versatile lifting and transporting mechanisms that are made adaptable to a wide variety of jobs by the attachment of an almost infinite number of specially designed grabs. motor operated jib crane has along jib, or arm that extends several feet from a heavy base. The and keeps the crane from tipping over. The operator turns on the motor to lift or lower the hook the arm is lowered. Thus a jib crane can move a weight to any point around the circumference of the circle .This type is suited for operation that require constant and relatively rapid movement of the crane around the job such as in a factory or storage yard.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : In manual sheet cutting operation lot of time is wasted due to repeated works stressful work also sometimes dimensioning may also wrong ,in order to overcome the problems pneumatic sheet shearing machine is made which is operated by a pneumatic hand lever of two way control valve. control valve is operated by a compressor. This includes high speed steel blade, double acting cylinder and pneumatic hand operated valve.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Generally, a hydraulic scissor lift is used for lifting and holding heavy weight components. Material selection plays a key role in designing a machine and also influence on several factor such as durability, reliability, strength, resistance which finally leads to increase the life of scissor lift. The design is performed by considering hydraulic scissor lift as a portable, compact and much suitable for medium type of load application.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The primary responsibility of the cabin crew during an evacuation is to direct passengers to evacuate the aircraft using all of the usable exits. The aim of an evacuation is to ensure that passengers and crewmembers leave the aircraft as rapidly and as safely as possible. Many factors contribute to the successful evacuation of the aircraft: • The procedural knowledge of the cabin crew: This includes training, experience, and behavior • The environment inside and outside of the aircraft (e.g., the presence of smoke, fire, the cabin lighting, and outside conditions) • The passengers’ behavior, age, level of fitness, and motivation • The aircraft configuration, and the layout of the cabin.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : The concept is pneumatic since it is easy to operate and also a quick process. The concept can bring a drastic change in the field of mechanical especially for lubrication purpose in the machining areas. The process is carried out by the pneumatic cylinder and the compressed air. The model consists of a tank, non return valve and a pneumatic cylinder.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : A jack is a device that uses force to lift heavy loads. The primary mechanism with which force is applied varies, depending on the specific type of jack, but is typically a screw thread or a hydraulic cylinder. J In Hydraulic types one end of the piston rod is connected to the movable jaw and the piston slides in the cylinder. Here the hydraulic fluid actuates the movement of the piston; this in turn actuates the movable jaw. Here the principle movement is only a reciprocating movement which is controlled using electronic switches and through android app which makes things easy.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : This project work titled ―Three axis pneumatic modern trailer‖ has been conceived having studied the difficulty in unloading the materials. Our survey in the regard in several automobile garages, revealed the facts that mostly some difficult methods were adopted in unloading the materials from the trailer. The trailer will unload the material in only one single direction. It is difficult to unload the materials in small compact streets and small roads. In our project these are rectified to unload the trailer in all three sides very easily.
Call Now Download AbstractDetails : Modern Three Axis Hydraulic Modern Trailer has been conceived having studied the difficulty in unloading the materials. In several automobile garages, revealed the facts that mostly some difficult methods were adopted in unloading the materials from the trailer. Now the trailer has mainly concentrated on this difficulty, and hence a suitable arrangement has been designed. Such that the material can be unloaded from the trailer in three axes without application of any impact force. By pressing the direction control valve activated. The fluid is goes to the hydraulic cylinder through valve. The ram of the hydraulic cylinder acts as a lifting the trailer cabin. The automobile engine drive is coupled to the pump, so that it stores the high pressure fluid when the vehicle running. This fluid is used to activate the hydraulic cylinder, when the valve is activated. By this research it is easy for the driver to unload the trailer and also it reduces time and fuel consumption.
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