Abstract: Road accidents and traffic congestion are the major problems in urban areas. Currently there is no technology for accident detection. Also due to the delay in reaching of the ambulance to the accident location and the traffic congestion in between accident location and hospital increases the chances of the death of victim. There is a need of introducing a system to reduce the loss of life due to accidents and the time taken by the ambulance to reach the hospital. To overcome the drawback of existing system we will implement the new system in which there is an automatic detection of accident through sensors provided in the vehicle. A main server unit houses the database of all hospitals in the city. A GPS and GSM module in the concerned vehicle will send the location of the accident to the main server which will rush an ambulance from a nearest hospital to the accident spot. Along with this there would be control of traffic light signals in the path of the ambulance using RF communicati
Call Now 9972364704 Download AbstractAbstract: In this paper a non-invasive Electroencephalograph (ECG) monitoring system based on visible light communication is presented. An ECG kit is connected to arduino board which uses wi-fi shield to transmit the ECG signal wirelessly to computer. A prototype of visible light communication (VLC) link is used to transmit the ECG signal. The received ECG signal over VLC link is compared with the transmitted ECG signal and error is calculated. Result shows that maximum 3% error in received signal at a distance of 2 meter, which opens a new path of using VLC channel in remote health monitoring system.
Call Now 9972364704 Download AbstractAbstract: The working principle is quite simple yet sophisticated as we are making a complete solution as a prototype. We have two stages in the principle wherein first is the enrollment section that checks for the patients registration, the second section is the medication section that as per the patient’s prescription dispenses the pills. The enrollment section has an enrollment check/registration switch that has to be enabled. The patient is then asked to place the thumb on the finger printing module. This either stores a new entry or deletes an existing/registered patient any. This section is the enrollment section that adds new entries. The status of each entry is displayed accordingly on the LCD.
Call Now 9972364704 Download AbstractAbstract: With the recent increase in usage of mobile devices especially in developing countries, they can be used for an efficient healthcare management. In this project, we have proposed a novel architecture for improving health care system with the Help of Android based mobile devices with NFC [II and Bluetooth interfaces, smartcard technology on tamper resistant secure element (SE) for storing credentials and secure data, and a Health Secure service on a hybrid cloud for security and health record management.
Call Now 9972364704 Download AbstractAbstract: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is one of the important vital signs that need to be monitored for personal healthcare. Measuring SBP via pulse wave transit time (PWTT) requires monitoring ECG and pulse wave signals simultaneously, which has no portability. And before the measurement the parameters indicating the relationship between BP and PWTT must be calculated through training. Volume pulse waves were acquired by a smart phone with its built-in camera, and then accelerated pulse waves were gotten through filtering, amplifying and processing the signals. The PWTT between the progressive and reflected waves of the accelerated pulse waves was calculated. The tester swayed his arm with hand holding the same phone to change the SBP for the training. The displacement of the hand was calculated through the accelerometer of the smart phone. Experimental results indicated that there is no obvious difference between SBP measured by the new system and by an electronic sphygmomanomet
Call Now 9972364704 Download AbstractAbstract: This paper presents an effective communication method for differently-Abled persons. Emotion is an important aspect in the interaction between humans. It is fundamental to human experience and rational decision-making. Generally, normal people can easily interact with one another but Sign language is the only means of communication for those who are dumb and deaf. This paper describes the design and working of a system which is used to communicate and to detect emotions of dumb and deaf. Hence by this methodology differently-abled people can able to interact with each other and also with the normal people. The dumb people use their standard sign language which is not recognizable by common people. For This purpose we are converting the sign language into text which is easily understandable by normal people. Sensors are used to detect the sign language and emotions that are processed by PIC microcontroller where the in-built ADC converts the given analog signals into digita
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